October 18, 2013

CABEA Presentation

Yesterday, October 17th, 2013, East Leyden hosted a conference for 65 business educators in the Chicago area on behalf of CABEA, the Chicago Area Business Education Association. Everyone gathered at the East Leyden library to network and share ideas.

The picture above shows a presentation done by Mr. Markey, Ms. Martire, and four TSI students: Angel Castillo, Amina Patel, Mike Vaiana and I.  The presentation was about Leyden's 1:1 initiative and the TSI program.

The presentation went great!  At the end, everyone told us we did a wonderful job having the nerve to stand up in front of so many adults to speak. It was a great experience to practice public speaking.  Afterwards, the individuals at the conference had a chance to ask us questions.  The two men I talked to seemed very interested in our TSI program. Later on, the visitors were able to stop by the TSI room for a tour which gave them more of an opportunity to see how our class is run.  We were able to show them more in detail what we do.

Not only were we able to get out of part of the school day, we also got free breakfast and lunch! Who wouldn't love that?!

The picture above is a quick snapshot of me, Amina, Angel, and Mike who participated in the presentation with Mr. Markey and Ms. Martire. Everyone did a wonderful job!

The whole event went great and I hope the visitors from other schools are starting to consider going 1:1 like Leyden.

To learn more about CABEA & TSI, use the links below...

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